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Game Of Thrones Old Tongue Translator

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  1. Game Of Thrones Character Old
  2. Game Of Thrones Old Tongue Translator Free
  3. Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones has become almost synonymous with the concept of a plot twist, weaving a tangled web of subverted expectations and delightfully convoluted schemes that can, at times, get a little chaotic, especially when you're trying to keep track of them all.

  1. To create the Dothraki and Valyrian languages to be spoken in Game of Thrones, HBO selected the language creator David J. Peterson through a competition among conlangers.The producers gave Peterson a largely free hand in developing the languages, as, according to Peterson, George R. Martin himself was not very interested in the linguistic aspect of his works.
  2. Daenerys Targaryen is a fictional character in George R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels, and the television adaptation Game of Thrones, in which English actress Emilia Clarke portrays her. In the novels, she is a prominent point of view character. She is one of the series' most popular characters, and The New York Times cites her as one of the author's finest creations.
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The premiere of the series finale might have come and gone, but the show's impact still reverberates across the fandom especially for lovers of language.

Even if you haven't seen the series, don't worry. In this article, our focus is on the fictional language created from scratch that made Game of Thrones such an entertaining movie.

In the beginning…

In the original books, A Song of Ice and Fire, on which the series is based, the author George R.R Martin often allude to the languages spoken by the different people.

However, except for a few words, the dialogue is entirely in English. So, when it was time to adapt the novel to TV, writers faced a particularly hard problem: that is, writing dialogue in a language that doesn't' exist yet.

To tackle the problem, the series show-runner HBO partnered with the Language Creation Society, an organization of experts in creating fictional languages, to create an entirely new language from scratch.

They decided to hold a contest which was won by David J. Peterson, co-founder of the Language Creation Society. He created an elaborate Dothraki language complete with grammar and 2000 words.

…the Languages of Game of Thrones was Born

In Martin's book, there are at least eleven languages spoken in Westeros – the giant Game of Throne's continent that's as large as the whole of South America. However, only a couple of the languages were prominent in the TV series.

Here are all the languages of the Game of Thrones universe:

Game of thrones

The common language

A widely spoken language throughout Westeros. The language was introduced by the invading Andals 6000 years ago. And it has, over the years, evolved to become a sort of lingua franca spoken by everyone in Westeros including the Wildlings.

The Old Tongue

Though, restricted to the Wildlings now, it was widely spoken by everyone in Westeros before the Common Tongue overshadowed it.

Take note though, that almost half of the Wildlings understands and speak the Common Tongue too.


A language of the White Walkers – the undead, that's said to sound like crackling of ice. Though, the language didn't make it into the TV series. It was instead, replaced by actual crackling-ice sound effects.

High Valyrian

Once a prominent language that held sway in Essos – the second largest continent of Game of Thrones world. It declined after the fall of the Valyrian civilization and over time became a status language of the elite, educated class.

Low Valyrian

These were common offshoot languages from the old High Valyrian language. It is spoken by the ordinary people of Essos both from the free cities and the slaver bay in the east,


Game Of Thrones Old Tongue Translator

A language of a nomadic horse warrior tribe. A spoken language only with no form of writing.

Dead Language of Ghiscari

An old dead language that predates the Valyrian era. Though, few words made it into Low Valyrian. 'Mhysa' which means 'mother' is borrowed from the dead Ghiscari.

We sing we dance we steal things zip 10. Qarth, Lhazar, and Asshai'i

Living contemporary languages though little is known of them in the show.

So, there you have it. These are the languages that made the Game of Thrones a lively believable show.

Author: Chorysteana Dovienya

Compiler: Neisa Alibrylla

? = Uncertain/guess The don killuminati download.

  • 1Words
  • 2Phrases



a = both a preposition or an article
a'dam = a leash
a'vron = watcher
aan = one
aan'allein = one man
aethan ? = shields
Aes = contraction of a and all
aesdaishar = glory to all
aiel = dedicated
ailen = unknownain ? = is
ajah = a group of people grouped together for a common goal, or similar beliefs
al = the, or, of the
alcair = golden
algai = fighters
alantin = brother
aldazar = eagle
Aldieb = westwind
algode = cotton
allein = man
allen ? = hill
allende = forward
aman ? = dragon
an = of the, or pluralization
angreal = a tool of the Power
Aridhol = unknown (a city of the Second Covenant)
asa = you
Asmodean = unknown possibly a contraction of his real name.
aso = it
ashan = sword
ashandarei = sword spear
asha'man = guardians
atha ? = person
atha'an ? = people
aven ? = call
avende = tree
Avendesora = the Tree of Life
Avendoraldera = Cutting of the Tree of Life
ayende = release, or freedom


baha = unknown
Balthamel = unknown (A Forsaken)
baijan = attack
bajad = unknown
be'lal = Envious
bekkar = translation unsure, possibly blood


ca = do
ca'lyet = do come - conjugation of 'to come'
cab ? = free
caba = horse
caba'donde = A horse to ride
caba'drin = cavalry, horsemen
caballein = free man
cadin ? = clothes
cadin'sor = working clothes
cair = gold
cal = red
caldazar = red eagle
calhar = red hand
calichniye = welcome
car = chief
Car'a'carn = Chief of chiefs
carai = for the honor , or just honor
carn = chiefs
carneira = first, or, in the Borderlands, First Lover
chalinda = sweet girl
choss = unknown
con = banner
concion = a summons
conde = unknown
conje = a type of needle
cour = trap
cour'souvra = mind trap
cor = night
corenne = return
cova = owner
covale ? = owned one
cuanda = unknown
cue = heart
cueran = of the heart
cuebiyar = heart
cuebiyari = hearts
cuendillar = Heartstone
cyndane = last chance


d = of
d'ma = of the
da ? = grammar- added to another word to form a superlative
da'covale = person who is owned
da'es ? = great
da'shain ? = true peace
da'tsang = despised one
dadaranell = unknown
dae'mar = game
daghain = fear
dai = battle
daishar = glory
dal = bowl
dam = leash
damane = leashed one
dar = sister, or pass
darei = spears
dareis = spear
dazar = eagle
de = sun
der = master
der'morat = master handler
der'sul'dam = master leash holder
demandred = unknown (a Forsaken)
deveniye = Majesty
dieb = wind
din = brother
diynen = sounder
do ? = over
domashita = warms
domorakoshi = language
don = possibly a conjugation of Donde
donde ? = to ride
doon = black
dor ? = red
dore = dancer
dornat = A hunting creature
dovie = Something related to luck
dovie'andi ? = dice
dovienya = luck
drelle = 'river of'
drin = soldiers
drovja = unknown
duadhe ? = water
duente = holds
dyo = by


e = and
ellis = rose
Ellisande = Rose of the Sun
en = Makes nouns plural
era = blue
es = unknown


Far = of the
faile = falcon


ga ? = is
gai = battle
gai'don = unknown
gai'shain = pledged to peace in battle
gaidin = battle brother, warder
govane = what
graendal = unknown (A Forsaken)


hael = unknown
Hailene = the Forerunners
hama = mountain
har = hand
haran ? = hand of
hei = always


in ? = Used to make nouns plural
inde = Negation: no, not
iro = we
isain = is
isainde = isn't
isha ? = betrayer, possibly ish.
Ishamael = Betrayer of Hope


Je = sharp point or edge
jeade = Possible contraction of Jenn and something.
jeade'en = true finder
jegal = scaled animal
jenn = truly, or true
jhin = unknown
ji = honor


kardon = A green fruit from a spiny plant.
kiserai = glory
kjasic = expletive
ko'di = the oneness
kodome ? = here


lanfear = Daughter of the Night
logoth ? = waiting
los = forward
lyet = come


m = unknown, possibly a prefix of some sort.
m'hael = leader
m'taal ? = dogs
ma = the
ma'vron = watchers over the sea (a contraction)
machin = unknown
mad = unknown
mael = hope
mafal = unknown
mahdi = seeker
mahdi'in = seeker(s)
mai = maiden(s)
man = related to sword or blade
mandarb = blade
manetheren = mountain home
manetherendrelle = waters of a mountain home
manshima ? = sword
Mar = maidens
maral = unknown
marath ? = those who must
marath'damane = those who must be leashed
mashadar = the creature in Shadar Logoth
mashiara = beloved of heart , or a lost love
mera ? = nothing, an absence
mera'din = brotherless
mesaana = unknown (A Forsaken)
mi = my
mia = my
mia'cova = my owner
miere = ocean, waves
misain = am
moghedien ? = spider (A Forsaken)
morat = handler
mordero = death
Moridin = the grave, Death
moridin = grave, or tomb
muad = foot
muad'drin = foot soldiers
muaghde ? = meat


n'dore ? = dancers
nar = unknown
nar'baha = fool box
nei ? = knife
ni = born into the family of i.e. Perrin t'Bashere ni Aybara
niende ? = lost
ninte = your
ninto = your
no = me -Direct Object pronoun
no'ri = stones, strategy game
nor = slicer or cutter
nosane = speak


oosquai ? = whiskey/brandy made by the Aiel
ordeith = wormwood


pas = none
purvene = horn


Rahien = Dawn
rahvin = unknown (A Forsaken)
rhadiem = prepare
rhyagelle = Those who come home


sa = Prefix attached to words to create a superlative statement
sa ? = in
sa'angreal = very strong Power channel
sa'sara = dance, with the superlative added on. The dance of all dances.
sag ? = time
sagain = it's time
sai = (related to Power)
saidar = female half of Power
saidin = male half of Power
sam ? = destroyer
sammael = destroyer of hope (A Forsaken)
sar = she
sara = dance
se = themselves (A reflexive pronoun)
segade = cactus
sei = eye
seia = eyes
sei'cair = goldeneye
sei'moseiv = lowered eyes (one who has lost honor)
semirhage = unknown, maybe Lady of Pain (A forsaken)
sene ? = as, like (Comparing two items)
serenla = stubborn daughter
sha = unknown
shaidar = dark
sha'mad = unknown
shadar = shadow
shae ? = dog
shae'en ? = dogs
shaiel = she who is dedicated
shain ? = peace
shambayan = 'chamberlain'
shan ? = lord
shar ? = blood
shari = bloods
shatayan = 'chatelaine' (Mistress of the Manor)
shen = band
shoufa = dustveil
sin = he
siswai = spear
siswai'aman = Spear of the Dragon
so = unknown
Soe'feia = Truth speaker
sofar = unknown
so'jhin = height among lowness (hereditary upper servants of the Blood)
sor ? = working, see cadinsor.
sora = life
sorda = rat
sorei = runner(s)
sovin ? = hands
souvra = mind
souvraya = my own mind
sovya ? = another
staera = copper scraping stick
sul ? = holder
sul'dam = leash holder
suravye = unknown
sursa = chopsticks


Game Of Thrones Character Old

t'mat ? = tomato
ta = Related to the Pattern
ta'maral'ailen = Web of Destiny
ta'veren = focal point of Pattern
taal = unknown
taer = straight or raised up
tai ? = true
tai'daishar = Lord of Glory
tai'shar = true blood
tain = Plural form of Tai
taishite = unknown
tarmon ? = last
tcheran = a strategy game, possibly chess
Tel'aran'rhiod = World of Dreams
ter = unknown
ter'angreal = object that directs or uses One Power
ti = to
tia = to
toh = obligation, duty
tovya = roll (third person plural, reflexive)
tsag = expletive
tsang ? = hated one
tuatha = traveling, possibly a contraction involving 'atha'
tuatha'an = Traveling People


vadin = bar, or barrier
val ? = guard
valdar = Related to Guard
valon ? = that guards
vron = watcher(s)


wansho = Builders (the Ogier)


ya = my own, a suffix.
ye = I


zemai = maize or corn



Aes Sedai = servant to, of all
Sedai = servant
Aes is a contraction of the words meaning to and all.

Aethan Dor = red shields
An Aiel warrior society.
Dor = red
Aethan = shields.

Al'cair'rahienallen = The Golden Dawn Hill, or Hill of the Golden Dawn
Cair = gold
Rahien = dawn
Allen = hill

al caldazar = The Red Eagle
The Sigil of Manetheren.
Cal = red
Dazar = eagle

al Ellisande = The Rose of the Sun
The sigil for Eldrene, Queen of Manetheren.

Alcair Dal = The Golden Bowl
An Aiel meeting place.
Cair = gold
Dal = bowl.

algai'd'siswai = The Fighters of the Spear

Atha'an Miere = The Sea Folk
Literally, People of the Sea.
Miere = sea
Atha'an = people.


bajad drovja = unknown
An expletive.


Caballein misain ye = I am a free man
Cab = free
Allein = man
Misain = am
Ye = I

Carai an caldazar = For the honor of the red eagle
Carai = honor
An = of
Cal = red
Dazar = eagle

Carai an Ellisande = For the honor of the rose of the sun
Carai = honor
An = of
Ellisande = the rose of the sun

Cor Darei = night spears
An Aiel warrior society.
Cor = night
Darei = spears


Daes Dae'mar = the Great Game, the Game of Houses.

Da'shain Aiel = true peace dedicated
Da'shain = true peace
Aiel = dedicated

Game of thrones character old

The common language

A widely spoken language throughout Westeros. The language was introduced by the invading Andals 6000 years ago. And it has, over the years, evolved to become a sort of lingua franca spoken by everyone in Westeros including the Wildlings.

The Old Tongue

Though, restricted to the Wildlings now, it was widely spoken by everyone in Westeros before the Common Tongue overshadowed it.

Take note though, that almost half of the Wildlings understands and speak the Common Tongue too.


A language of the White Walkers – the undead, that's said to sound like crackling of ice. Though, the language didn't make it into the TV series. It was instead, replaced by actual crackling-ice sound effects.

High Valyrian

Once a prominent language that held sway in Essos – the second largest continent of Game of Thrones world. It declined after the fall of the Valyrian civilization and over time became a status language of the elite, educated class.

Low Valyrian

These were common offshoot languages from the old High Valyrian language. It is spoken by the ordinary people of Essos both from the free cities and the slaver bay in the east,


A language of a nomadic horse warrior tribe. A spoken language only with no form of writing.

Dead Language of Ghiscari

An old dead language that predates the Valyrian era. Though, few words made it into Low Valyrian. 'Mhysa' which means 'mother' is borrowed from the dead Ghiscari.

We sing we dance we steal things zip 10. Qarth, Lhazar, and Asshai'i

Living contemporary languages though little is known of them in the show.

So, there you have it. These are the languages that made the Game of Thrones a lively believable show.

Author: Chorysteana Dovienya

Compiler: Neisa Alibrylla

? = Uncertain/guess The don killuminati download.

  • 1Words
  • 2Phrases



a = both a preposition or an article
a'dam = a leash
a'vron = watcher
aan = one
aan'allein = one man
aethan ? = shields
Aes = contraction of a and all
aesdaishar = glory to all
aiel = dedicated
ailen = unknownain ? = is
ajah = a group of people grouped together for a common goal, or similar beliefs
al = the, or, of the
alcair = golden
algai = fighters
alantin = brother
aldazar = eagle
Aldieb = westwind
algode = cotton
allein = man
allen ? = hill
allende = forward
aman ? = dragon
an = of the, or pluralization
angreal = a tool of the Power
Aridhol = unknown (a city of the Second Covenant)
asa = you
Asmodean = unknown possibly a contraction of his real name.
aso = it
ashan = sword
ashandarei = sword spear
asha'man = guardians
atha ? = person
atha'an ? = people
aven ? = call
avende = tree
Avendesora = the Tree of Life
Avendoraldera = Cutting of the Tree of Life
ayende = release, or freedom


baha = unknown
Balthamel = unknown (A Forsaken)
baijan = attack
bajad = unknown
be'lal = Envious
bekkar = translation unsure, possibly blood


ca = do
ca'lyet = do come - conjugation of 'to come'
cab ? = free
caba = horse
caba'donde = A horse to ride
caba'drin = cavalry, horsemen
caballein = free man
cadin ? = clothes
cadin'sor = working clothes
cair = gold
cal = red
caldazar = red eagle
calhar = red hand
calichniye = welcome
car = chief
Car'a'carn = Chief of chiefs
carai = for the honor , or just honor
carn = chiefs
carneira = first, or, in the Borderlands, First Lover
chalinda = sweet girl
choss = unknown
con = banner
concion = a summons
conde = unknown
conje = a type of needle
cour = trap
cour'souvra = mind trap
cor = night
corenne = return
cova = owner
covale ? = owned one
cuanda = unknown
cue = heart
cueran = of the heart
cuebiyar = heart
cuebiyari = hearts
cuendillar = Heartstone
cyndane = last chance


d = of
d'ma = of the
da ? = grammar- added to another word to form a superlative
da'covale = person who is owned
da'es ? = great
da'shain ? = true peace
da'tsang = despised one
dadaranell = unknown
dae'mar = game
daghain = fear
dai = battle
daishar = glory
dal = bowl
dam = leash
damane = leashed one
dar = sister, or pass
darei = spears
dareis = spear
dazar = eagle
de = sun
der = master
der'morat = master handler
der'sul'dam = master leash holder
demandred = unknown (a Forsaken)
deveniye = Majesty
dieb = wind
din = brother
diynen = sounder
do ? = over
domashita = warms
domorakoshi = language
don = possibly a conjugation of Donde
donde ? = to ride
doon = black
dor ? = red
dore = dancer
dornat = A hunting creature
dovie = Something related to luck
dovie'andi ? = dice
dovienya = luck
drelle = 'river of'
drin = soldiers
drovja = unknown
duadhe ? = water
duente = holds
dyo = by


e = and
ellis = rose
Ellisande = Rose of the Sun
en = Makes nouns plural
era = blue
es = unknown


Far = of the
faile = falcon


ga ? = is
gai = battle
gai'don = unknown
gai'shain = pledged to peace in battle
gaidin = battle brother, warder
govane = what
graendal = unknown (A Forsaken)


hael = unknown
Hailene = the Forerunners
hama = mountain
har = hand
haran ? = hand of
hei = always


in ? = Used to make nouns plural
inde = Negation: no, not
iro = we
isain = is
isainde = isn't
isha ? = betrayer, possibly ish.
Ishamael = Betrayer of Hope


Je = sharp point or edge
jeade = Possible contraction of Jenn and something.
jeade'en = true finder
jegal = scaled animal
jenn = truly, or true
jhin = unknown
ji = honor


kardon = A green fruit from a spiny plant.
kiserai = glory
kjasic = expletive
ko'di = the oneness
kodome ? = here


lanfear = Daughter of the Night
logoth ? = waiting
los = forward
lyet = come


m = unknown, possibly a prefix of some sort.
m'hael = leader
m'taal ? = dogs
ma = the
ma'vron = watchers over the sea (a contraction)
machin = unknown
mad = unknown
mael = hope
mafal = unknown
mahdi = seeker
mahdi'in = seeker(s)
mai = maiden(s)
man = related to sword or blade
mandarb = blade
manetheren = mountain home
manetherendrelle = waters of a mountain home
manshima ? = sword
Mar = maidens
maral = unknown
marath ? = those who must
marath'damane = those who must be leashed
mashadar = the creature in Shadar Logoth
mashiara = beloved of heart , or a lost love
mera ? = nothing, an absence
mera'din = brotherless
mesaana = unknown (A Forsaken)
mi = my
mia = my
mia'cova = my owner
miere = ocean, waves
misain = am
moghedien ? = spider (A Forsaken)
morat = handler
mordero = death
Moridin = the grave, Death
moridin = grave, or tomb
muad = foot
muad'drin = foot soldiers
muaghde ? = meat


n'dore ? = dancers
nar = unknown
nar'baha = fool box
nei ? = knife
ni = born into the family of i.e. Perrin t'Bashere ni Aybara
niende ? = lost
ninte = your
ninto = your
no = me -Direct Object pronoun
no'ri = stones, strategy game
nor = slicer or cutter
nosane = speak


oosquai ? = whiskey/brandy made by the Aiel
ordeith = wormwood


pas = none
purvene = horn


Rahien = Dawn
rahvin = unknown (A Forsaken)
rhadiem = prepare
rhyagelle = Those who come home


sa = Prefix attached to words to create a superlative statement
sa ? = in
sa'angreal = very strong Power channel
sa'sara = dance, with the superlative added on. The dance of all dances.
sag ? = time
sagain = it's time
sai = (related to Power)
saidar = female half of Power
saidin = male half of Power
sam ? = destroyer
sammael = destroyer of hope (A Forsaken)
sar = she
sara = dance
se = themselves (A reflexive pronoun)
segade = cactus
sei = eye
seia = eyes
sei'cair = goldeneye
sei'moseiv = lowered eyes (one who has lost honor)
semirhage = unknown, maybe Lady of Pain (A forsaken)
sene ? = as, like (Comparing two items)
serenla = stubborn daughter
sha = unknown
shaidar = dark
sha'mad = unknown
shadar = shadow
shae ? = dog
shae'en ? = dogs
shaiel = she who is dedicated
shain ? = peace
shambayan = 'chamberlain'
shan ? = lord
shar ? = blood
shari = bloods
shatayan = 'chatelaine' (Mistress of the Manor)
shen = band
shoufa = dustveil
sin = he
siswai = spear
siswai'aman = Spear of the Dragon
so = unknown
Soe'feia = Truth speaker
sofar = unknown
so'jhin = height among lowness (hereditary upper servants of the Blood)
sor ? = working, see cadinsor.
sora = life
sorda = rat
sorei = runner(s)
sovin ? = hands
souvra = mind
souvraya = my own mind
sovya ? = another
staera = copper scraping stick
sul ? = holder
sul'dam = leash holder
suravye = unknown
sursa = chopsticks


Game Of Thrones Character Old

t'mat ? = tomato
ta = Related to the Pattern
ta'maral'ailen = Web of Destiny
ta'veren = focal point of Pattern
taal = unknown
taer = straight or raised up
tai ? = true
tai'daishar = Lord of Glory
tai'shar = true blood
tain = Plural form of Tai
taishite = unknown
tarmon ? = last
tcheran = a strategy game, possibly chess
Tel'aran'rhiod = World of Dreams
ter = unknown
ter'angreal = object that directs or uses One Power
ti = to
tia = to
toh = obligation, duty
tovya = roll (third person plural, reflexive)
tsag = expletive
tsang ? = hated one
tuatha = traveling, possibly a contraction involving 'atha'
tuatha'an = Traveling People


vadin = bar, or barrier
val ? = guard
valdar = Related to Guard
valon ? = that guards
vron = watcher(s)


wansho = Builders (the Ogier)


ya = my own, a suffix.
ye = I


zemai = maize or corn



Aes Sedai = servant to, of all
Sedai = servant
Aes is a contraction of the words meaning to and all.

Aethan Dor = red shields
An Aiel warrior society.
Dor = red
Aethan = shields.

Al'cair'rahienallen = The Golden Dawn Hill, or Hill of the Golden Dawn
Cair = gold
Rahien = dawn
Allen = hill

al caldazar = The Red Eagle
The Sigil of Manetheren.
Cal = red
Dazar = eagle

al Ellisande = The Rose of the Sun
The sigil for Eldrene, Queen of Manetheren.

Alcair Dal = The Golden Bowl
An Aiel meeting place.
Cair = gold
Dal = bowl.

algai'd'siswai = The Fighters of the Spear

Atha'an Miere = The Sea Folk
Literally, People of the Sea.
Miere = sea
Atha'an = people.


bajad drovja = unknown
An expletive.


Caballein misain ye = I am a free man
Cab = free
Allein = man
Misain = am
Ye = I

Carai an caldazar = For the honor of the red eagle
Carai = honor
An = of
Cal = red
Dazar = eagle

Carai an Ellisande = For the honor of the rose of the sun
Carai = honor
An = of
Ellisande = the rose of the sun

Cor Darei = night spears
An Aiel warrior society.
Cor = night
Darei = spears


Daes Dae'mar = the Great Game, the Game of Houses.

Da'shain Aiel = true peace dedicated
Da'shain = true peace
Aiel = dedicated

dai shan = battle lord
Dai = battle
Shan = lord

Deveniye, dyo ninte concion ca'lyet ye = Majesty, by your summons do I come
Deveniye = majesty
Dyo = by
Ninte = your
Concion = summons
Ca'lyet = come
ye = I

diynen'd'ma'purvene = Sounder of the Horn
Purvene = horn
Diynen = sounder
D'ma = of the.

do miere a'vron = The watchers over the sea
Do = over
Miere = ocean
Vron = watchers

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain = It's time to roll the dice
Literally, Dice themselves roll time it is
Dovie = related to dovienya, meaning luck
Dovie'andi = dice
Se = a reflexive pronoun, meaning themselves
Tovya = a conjugation of to roll
Sagain = is

Duadhe Mahdi'in = Water SeekersAn Aiel warrior society.Duadhe = waterMahdi'in = mahdi, plural form


Far Aldazar Din = Brothers of the Eagle
An Aiel warrior society. Literally, For the eagle, brother.
Far = for
Dazar = eagle
Din = brother

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Far Dareis Mai = Maidens of the Spear
The Aiel female warrior society. Literally, For spear, maiden.
Far = for
Darei = spear
Mai = maiden


Hama N'dore = Mountain Dancers
An Aiel warrior society.
N'dore = dancers
Hama = mountain


Inde muaghde Aes Sedai misain ye = I am no Aes Sedai meat.
Literally, Not meat Aes Sedai am I
Inde = negation
Muaghde = meat
Misain = am
Ye = I


Jenn Aiel = the 'true' aiel
Literally, truly dedicated
Jenn = true
Aiel = dedicated


Kiserai ti wansho = Glory to the Builders
Kiserai = glory
Ti = to
Wansho = builders

Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei = Here is always a welcome for Aes Sedai
Literally, Here welcome is for Aes Sedai always.
Kodome = here
Calichniye = welcome
Ga = is (though not related to the ain verb)
Ni = for
Hei = always


Los caba'drin = horsemen/cavalry forward
Los = forward
Caba = horse
Drin = soldier

Los valdar cuebiyari = Heart-guard foward
Los = forward
Valdar cuebiyari = the heart guard


Machin Shin = the Black Wind
The wind in the Ways.
Words unknown.

Mafal Dadaranell = Ancient name of Fal Dara
Words unknown.

Mia ayende, Aes Sedai = Release me, Aes Sedai
Literally, my release, Aes Sedai.
Mia = my
Ayende = release, freedom

Mia dovienya nesodhin soende = unknown

Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar = My heart holds no fear for death
Literally, Death fear none holds my heart.
Mordero = death
Daghain = fear
Pas = no
Duente = holds
Cuebiyar = heart

Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem = Footmen prepare to pass cavalry.
Literally, Foot soldiers to forward horse soldiers prepare
Muad = foot
Drin = soldier
Tia = to
Caba = horse
Allende = forward
Rhadiem = prepare


Ninte calichniye no domashitsa = Your welcome warms me
Literally, Your welcome me warms
Ninte = your
Calichniye = welcome
No = me
Domashita = warms

Nosane iro gavane domorakoshi, diynen'd'ma'purvene = Speak we what language, Sounder of the Horn
Nosane = speak
Iro = we
Gavane = what
Domorakoshi = language
Dinyen = sounder
D'ma = of the
Purvene = horn


Rahien Sorei = Dawn Runners
An Aiel warrior society.
Rahien = dawn
Sorei = runners


Sa souvraya niende misain ye = I am lost in my own mind.
Literally, In my own mind lost am I.
Sa = in
Souvraya = my own mind
Niende = lost
Misain = am
Ye = I

Seia Doon = Black Eyes
An Aiel warrior society.
Seia = eyes
Doon = black

Sene sovya caba'donde ain dovienya = Luck is a horse to ride like any other.
Literally As another a horse to ride, is luck.
Sene = as/like
Sovya = another
Donde = to ride
Dovienya = luck

Shaidar Haran = hand of the dark
Shaidar = dark
Haran = hand of

Game Of Thrones Old Tongue Translator Free

sha'mad conde = Thunder Walkers
An Aiel warrior society.
Words unknown.

Shadar Logoth = shadow's waiting
Literally, Waiting is the Shadow
Shadar = shadow
Logoth = waiting

Shae'en M'taal = Stone Dogs
An Aiel warrior society.
Shae'en = dogs
M'taal = stone

Shen an Calhar = The Band of the Red Hand
Shen = band
An = of
Cal = red
Har = hand

Sovin Nai = knife hands
An Aiel warrior society.
Sovin = hands
Nai = knife

Suravye ninto manshima taishite = Peace favor your sword
Suravye and taishite are unknown words, so literal translation is difficult.
Ninto = your
manshima = a word form of sword.


Tain Shari = true bloods
An Aiel warrior society.
Tain = true, plural form
Shari = blood, plural form

Tar Valon = tower that guards
Valon = guard
Tar = tower

Tarmon Gai'don = Last Battle
'Last battle' may not be the correct translation.
Gai = battle
tarmon = (is thought to be) last.

tia avende alantin = Ogier, 'Brother to the Trees.'
Literally, to the trees, Brother
Tia = to
avende = tree
alantin = brother

Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin = 'The grave is no bar to my call.'
The phrase on the Horn of Valere. Literally, To my call, death is no bar.
Tia = to
mi = my
aven = call
Moridin = death
isainde = is not
vadin = bar

Tsingu ma choba = I am unworthy

Tsingo ma choshih = You honor me


valdar cuebiyari = the heart guard
Val = guard
cue = heart.


Note 1: Misain, isain, and ain all appear to be forms of the verb 'to be'.
Misain is a first person singular, and isain and ain both appear to be third person singular.

Note 2: According to Jordan, the -n or -i suffix can both mean a plural form of the word.

a - preposition or article
al - the, of the
an - pluralization
asa - you
aso - it
d - of
Da is like -est in English - a superlative
e - and
en - pluralization
iro - we
mi - my
mia - my
no - me
sar - she
se - themselves
sin - he
ti - to
tia - to
ye - I

The sentence structure is Predicate-Verb-Subject.

Game Of Thrones

'Adding an 'n' is one way to make a plural, with words ending in a vowel, but some words change form in plural and some are identical in plural and singular; including but not limited to most words that end in 'n' in the singular. The word 'mai' means 'maiden' or 'maidens.' One word for spear is 'dareis,' but its plural is 'darei.' Another way of making a plural is adding an 'i,' as in 'shar -- blood' and 'Shari -- Bloods,' or an 'in' -- seeker is 'mahdi' and seekers is 'mahdi'in.'

-Robert Jordan, Old Tongue Letter


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